Executive Service Roundtable - April 2024

Advancing Your Service Sales Approach      

How to better sell your advanced services  

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Below you can find all the information related to the Roundtable of April 2024: Advancing Your Service Sales Approach.

Here is how you can benefit, without being a member

  • Join the presentations (not the peer discussions immediately afterwards) at the beginning of the Kick-off meetings each month.
  • Join a full Kick-Off meeting (presentation and peer discussion) as a trial before becoming a (free) member.

Become a roundtable member to benefit from:

  • Extended meetings, like Ask-Us-Anything and Deep-Dive meetings, each month.
  • Recordings, slide decks and meeting notes of the meetings.

Become a (free) member of the Executive Service Roundtable

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Join our next Executive Service Roundtable on "Enhancing Service Business  Models for Manufacturers"


Advanced service sales are an exciting intersection of trends: 

  • Sales are transforming from product-push to trusted advisors that guide customers in their buying process. 
  • Service is transforming from an operational aftermarket function to a strategic business line. 

This leads to vital challenges in service sales: 

  • How to sell the business impact your services have for your customers? 
  • How do you expand your service business with your customers as they prepare for more advanced alternatives? 
  • How do you develop your (service) salespeople to become trusted advisors? 

Companies that get this right will be the winners in their industry and see steady and consistent growth in their existing and new services. 

A quick question: How will your company better sell its (advanced) services in the next year? 

In the Executive Service Roundtable of April, we will discuss three key capabilities to drive your service sales.

Join us at the Executive Service Roundtable in April 2024, where we will unpack the 3 key questions:

  • How to sell value instead of only features and benefits? 
  • How to expand your business volume with existing service customers? 
  • How to organise your service sales function? 

Kick-Off meeting

April 2

Key topics:

How to sell value instead of only features and benefits? 

  • What are the different sales methods? 
  • What does it take to enable sales teams? 
  • To whom should you sell different services? 

How to expand your business volume with existing service customers? 

  • How to renew, resell, cross-sell and upsell? 
  • How to prepare your customers for the next step? 
  • What different sales profiles do you need? 

How to organise your service sales function? 

  • Equipment Sales team vs Service Sales team? 
  • Different sales experts for various services? 
  • Low-touch versus high-touch sales teams? 

Become a (free) member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Kick-Off meeting (presentation & peer discussion) on:

April 2, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

Reserve a seat to try first

Become a (free) member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Kick-Off meeting (presentation & peer discussion)  on:

April 2, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

Reserve a seat to try first

You missed both of these Kick-Off meetings on:

April 2, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

April 2, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

Our presentations at the beginning of every Kick-Off meeting are accessible to everyone.

The peer discussions after these presentations are for (free) members only.

  • Become a (free) member now to join the full Kick-Off meetings.
  • Or try one full session first - reserve your seat above).

Become a (Free) Roundtable member

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View the recording, slides and meeting notes






Only (free) members have access to recordings of Kick-Off meetings:

  • With a Free Roundtable membership, you will have access to the recording of the Kick-Off meetings you attended.
  • With a Flex Access Roundtable membership, you will have access to the recordings, slides and meeting notes of all kick-off meetings, as well as those you were not able to attend.
Become a (Free) Roundtable member

Ask-Us-Anything meeting

April 9

During this meeting, we discussed the questions that have been submitted by participants beforehand:

  • How to develop a deep customer insight that will be the foundation to promote and sell our (advanced) services successfully
    • Identifying the real pain points, around product, process and business
    • Identifying the pain-chain
    • Segment our customer base or addressable market based on (service) needs
    • Identify opportunities to position our services better, differentiate from competition and hence drive growth 

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Ask-Us-Anything meeting on:

April 9, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Ask-Us-Anything meeting on:

April 9, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

You missed both of these Ask-Us-Anything meetings on:

April 9, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

April 9, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

Only All Access Roundtable Members can join the extended Roundtable meetings, like the Ask-Us-Anything and Deep-Dive meetings. 

Become an All Access Roundtable member

I am already (free) member - this website does not recognise me

View the recording, slides and meeting notes




Become an All Access Roundtable member

Only All Access Roundtable Members have access to recordings, slide decks and meeting notes of Ask-Us-Anything meetings.


Deep-Dive meeting

April 16

During this meeting, we made a Deep-Dive in the sub-topics chosen by the participants beforehand.

For the first 30 minutes, we presented best practices and insights, after which we continued with a 30-minute peer discussion.

We covered:

  • Organising Service Sales function
    • When to organise a dedicated service sales team, when not.
    • How to enable your equipment sales team to sell services 

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Deep-Dive meeting on:

April 16, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Deep-Dive meeting on:

April 16, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

You missed both of these Deep-Dive meetings on:

April 16
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

April 16
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

Only All Access Roundtable Members can join the extended Roundtable meetings, like the Ask-Us-Anything and Deep-Dive meetings. 

Become an All Access Roundtable member

I am already (free) member - this website does not recognise me

View the recording, slides and meeting notes




Only All Access Roundtable Members have access to recordings, slide decks and meeting notes of Ask-Us-Anything meetings.

Become an All Access Roundtable member


Ask-Us-Anything meeting

April 23

During this meeting, we discussed some of the questions that have been submitted by participants beforehand, like:

  • Focus on developing sales collateral and assets to enable service sales teams. 

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Ask-Us-Anything meeting on:

April 23, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

Become an All Access Roundtable member of the Executive Service Roundtable 

And join this Ask-Us-Anything meeting on:

April 23, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

You missed both of these Ask-Us-Anything meetings on:

April 23, 2024
- 09:00-10:00 CET
- 15:00-16:00 SGT

April 23, 2024
- 16:00-17:00 CET
- 10:00-11:00 ET

Only All Access Roundtable Members can join the extended Roundtable meetings, like the Ask-Us-Anything and Deep-Dive meetings. 

Become an All Access Roundtable member

I am already (free) member - this website does not recognise me

View the recording, slides and meeting notes






Only All Access Roundtable Members have access to recordings, slide decks and meeting notes of Ask-Us-Anything meetings.

Become an All Access Roundtable member


Overview of meetings in each monthly Roundtable

Every month, we start a new Roundtable with another theme.

For each monthly Roundtable, we will host 4 online meetings of 1 hour each:

  1. A Kick-Off meeting on the first Monday of the Month.
    We present best practices and practical frameworks, after which we have a peer discussion.
  2. A first Ask-Us-Anything meeting on the second Monday of the month.
    We will discuss a few of the questions that were submitted by participants beforehand.
  3. A Deep-Dive meeting on the third Monday of the month.
    We present a deep-dive on the 1-2 topics participants chose, after which we have a peer discussion.
  4. A second Ask-Us-Anything meeting on the fourth Monday of the month.
    To close the topic, we will discuss a few of the questions that were submitted by participants beforehand.

We run each meeting in two sessions to allow participants from most time zones to participate.

The Kick-Off meetings are for all (free) members.

The other three meetings are only for All Access members.

Check out the differences between the different Roundtable memberships here.

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