Mastering New Service Introduction: The Often-Overlooked Key to Success
Navigating New Service Introductions is crucial for transforming your offerings into strategic growth drivers in the digital age. From internal...
With experiments, you can test critical assumptions and success factors of your service innovations to avoid risks and increase chances for success.
With experiments, you can test all critical assumptions and success factors of your service innovations and make better decisions before scaling up investments and implementation. As a result, you will only pursue the viable and valuable ideas, will not waste resources on unsuccessful ideas, nor jeopardise today’s business, your brand and the confidence of stakeholders and colleagues in your innovative initiatives.
Do you experience pushback when you try to get momentum in one of your essential service innovation initiatives? Does your top-management or other stakeholders raise questions like;
Or, have you experienced that innovations failed, after investing a lot of resources?
You are not alone!
One of the critical questions is: How can you reduce risks of service innovations and at the same time improve the quality and capacity of your innovations.
All of your ideas for service innovation are based on critical assumptions about;
When any of these critical assumptions is not true, your innovation will fail;
These assumptions are often implicit and not well articulated.
The problem is, that we skip the validation of these assumptions and try to get funding and to move on full force ahead in developing and launching new services.
As a result, you may experience:
Momentum for business innovation declines, jeopardising your business’ future success
Read more about Service Innovation in our
Ultimate Guide for Service Innovation
The innovative and dynamic industry leaders set themselves apart by their strong focus on continuously testing critical assumptions, already at the very early stages of the innovation process. Only when they have validated all critical assumptions, they will start increasing investment levels and put any stakes in the ground for the launch of their new services.
Just as they do, you should follow an iterative experimentation process – as part of your innovation process;
In each iteration, you will gather more data to make better decisions on abandoning, adjusting pivoting or perusing your service innovation.
Let’s elaborate on how this works, based on a real-life example.
An equipment-manufacture had the idea to offer in-house maintenance departments of clients a portal to easily access the right product documentation and manuals. This would be a subscription-based service.
Which critical assumptions will determine the success of the new service?
In the very early phase of the innovation project, the focus will probably be on validating the clients’ problem and the envisioned solution.
There are many ways to do this without even building a first version of the envisioned portal. You can think of;
The manufacturer of this example first prepared a few mock-up screens of their envisioned portal and selected a few clients to meet and discuss their ideas and the mock-up screens.
In a short period of time, they met 10 clients and had in-depth discussions about;
The manufacturer got very valuable feedback to further explore the clients’ issues and required solutions.
It turned out that the time the clients could save with the portal was estimated accurately by the manufacturer in this example. However, the perceived benefit of the envisioned portal was too low for them to spend time and effort on considering a subscription.
They did appreciate the idea of having the manuals and documents available online but expected that as a given after buying the equipment.
So far, the idea of the portal did not resonate with clients.
At this point, the manufacturer did not fall in the potential trap of abandoning their idea too early, even though the feedback was not positive. They were very clear and focussed: it was not about testing the overall idea of a portal, but the specific assumptions.
Triggered by the discussions about the challenges and problems of the clients, a new picture for the clients’ problem and new (portal) solution emerged and they adjusted their assumptions:
The first iterations should focus on getting feedback on your vision of the clients’ problems and your envisioned solution.
Gradually you will move to the ability to capture the value (with a good business model, pricing model and sales model) and the ability to deliver the value. In later iterations you will also look for more feedback based on the behaviour of clients and not only their verbal input during conversations.
The proof of your pudding is in the eating of your clients!
Here are some good practices for measuring the interest of (potential) clients;
By embedding experiments to validate the critical assumptions of innovations in your development and decision-making processes, you can;
For sure, better testing of assumptions with the 5 steps described in this article will help you make your service innovation projects more successful.
However, the real value of these techniques is to strengthen your business innovation capabilities. This is crucial to be successful in today’s disruptive times without jeopardising today’s successful business.
Navigating New Service Introductions is crucial for transforming your offerings into strategic growth drivers in the digital age. From internal...
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